Transport for Norwich

Project location & overview:

Transport for Norwich is a programme of work to improve accessibility by all forms of transport around the city. The previous Norwich Area Transportation Strategy was adopted in 2004 and provided a strategic view to 2021. The strategy supports the county council’s pledge to achieve net zero carbon by 2030, which councillors adopted as part of the authority’s Environmental Policy in November 2019.

During 2021, Greyfriars Project Management was appointed to support the Transport for Norwich Strategy review with the goal of Norfolk County Council Cabinet approving a new, Public Consultation lead strategy at December 2021 Cabinet meeting.

Jon Barnard led the project management on the delivery of a revised Strategy with his team members providing support and guidance around governance, procurement, consultation analysis, programming and cost management.

The Transport for Norwich Strategy was formally adopted at the December 2021 Cabinet meeting and this Norfolk County Council led project will now look to move the Strategy into a tangible Action Plan.

Services we are providing:

• Project management
• Programme management
• Cost planning
• Report writing
• Consultation analysis
• Governance support
• Governance reportingvvvvv
• Risk management
• Contractual advice
• Document review
• Strategic advice

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