Safer Streets, Great Yarmouth

Project location & overview:

This project for Great Yarmouth aims to improve the environment in residential areas with a package of safety and crime-cutting measures including the installation of street-lighting, CCTV and the employment of a Community Safety Officer.

The Safer Streets Fund is a government initiative that supports measures proven to cut crime. Such measures include locked gates around alleyways, increased street-lighting, the installation of CCTV, and general improvement of local environments. The third round of funding which supports the Great Yarmouth project has the additional specific goal of helping make females and vulnerable people feel safer on the streets.

The Great Yarmouth Borough Council identified The Rows, which run south west and west from King Street, as a key area which would greatly benefit from environmental improvements to achieve these aims, and this formed the basis of the successful grant application.

The objectives of this project are to:

  • Help residents, particularly women and vulnerable people, feel safer in and around The Rows
  • Ensure that the historical importance of The Rows is maintained.
  • Procurement of specialist cleaning equipment
  • Undertaking a clean-up of The Rows
  • Installation of additional lighting as required
  • Painting and general improvement works so that people feel safe moving through The Rows
  • Employment of a Community Safety Officer

The project is seen as being complimentary to the £13.7m Future High Streets funding and £20.1m Town Deal funding which will be used to revitalise the town centre and support regeneration of the wider area.

Services we are providing:

• Project management as client
• Stakeholder engagement and consultation
• Report writing and governance support
• Programme management
• Governance reporting
• Risk management
• Budgetary controls

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